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Unique Resource Identification


This scenario examines how we can uniquely identify the instances of all the entities in our system.


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From Wikipedia:

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a unique identifier used by web technologies. URIs may be used to identify anything, including real-world objects, such as people and places, concepts, or information resources such web pages and books.


Our system supports many non-IFC entities (such as risk (from risk_management) and delivery update (from logistics)).

Since we shadow these entities as references in BIM through non ifc entity (from evolving_plan), they need an identifier.

We propose the following schema for identification:


The identifier in the identifier does not have to match the guid (from evolving_plan). This is important as one part of the system might not control the other part (or a dependency) so it can not control the identification conflicts.

Here are a couple examples of the identifier:

For example, the fall risk with URI bimprove://risk/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 can be shadowed by IfcExternalReference in bim_extended (from evolving_plan) with a guid (from evolving_plan) set to 52a844ac-3f37-456c-9e86-9e1b905600a7.

Abstraction. We abstract the links to these entities from the storage.

For example, the fall risk might have an REST API accessible through a URL However, it could also provide a GraphQL interface, direct SQL interface (e.g., sql://risk/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000) or some other interface.

We consider this to be an implementation detail so that we intentionally decouple how the backend retrieves or modifies the information about the entity from its identification.

Recordings. The recording (from digital_reconstruction) needs to specify the source and the sensor and the accuracy of the sensor:

recording://{type of the device}/{identifier of the device}/{identifier of the sensor of the device}/{identifier of the recording}



(Note that we still need to figure this out. This is just a first sketch of how we could identify the recordings (from digital_reconstruction).)

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