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Thermal Inspection

Relations from Other Scenarios

Relations to Other Scenarios


This scenario explores how we can observe the thermal state of the construction site.


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thermal spot🔗

This is a spot for which we would like to record the temperature.

thermal image🔗

A thermal image is an captured by a thermographical sensor.

The image is stored as a JPEG with the sensor range as additional meta-data in the EXIF (see images (from digital_reconstruction)).



The user defines the thermal spot as a focus spot (from uxv_recording).

As focus spot (from uxv_recording) is a topic (from topic_management), special information about the thermal spot are indicated as comments (from topic_management).


Capturing. The operator (from uxv_recording) takes into account the thermal spots when planning a mission (from uxv_recording).

Apart from specifying the thermal spot as a point of interest (from uxv_recording), the operator (from uxv_recording) should also include thermal cameras in the list of desired sensors (from uxv_recording).

We assume that we use a dual camera that records both the thermal images as well as RGB images (from digital_reconstruction).

The thermal images are stored in images (from digital_reconstruction) .

Inspection. We inspect the thermal images (from thermal_inspection) of the thermal spots:

The relevant thermal images (from thermal_inspection) are presented in a list of triples:

(If time permits, we also present an overlay of the thermal image over a RGB image (from digital_reconstruction).)

The user can jump straight to "Virtual Inspection" to inspect the position and the view angle further.

The other aspect sections intentionally left empty.


For the filtered images, we provide summary statistics:

Test Cases🔗

test for magnitude🔗

We automatically generate dummy RGB and thermal images.

They are randomly spread over the time and space.

We make random queries (spatial and temporal) and test that the retrieval time is on the order of 10s of seconds.

Acceptance Criteria🔗


The system needs to handle the a lower-digit millions of the thermal images.